Playing opens us to curiosity and wonder. Working with symbols and metaphors in the sand within a safe and boundaried reflective space provides opportunities to identify and approach unconscious material; access innate wisdoms; experience transformational shifts in perspective; and discover new meaning. A nurturing and nourishing reflexive practice for helping professionals of all disciplines. Individual, dyad and group sessions are bookable online or contact me.
Sandplay offers a gentle, non-directive and deeply connecting reflective supervision activity for practitioners of diverse disciplines, approaches and experience. Through symbol and metaphor, freely explore your inner and outer worlds; discover new insights; and make meanings in the safe, nonjudgmental container of the sand tray. Sandplay experience is not necessary, just bring your curiosity. And enjoy your process!
"symbolic representations can help the supervisee explore their inner and outer reality" (Ladd, 2000)
"metaphors provide a tool for the transfer of meaning from something that is known or recognised to something that is new or more challenging to articulate" Patricia Hasbach from Kahn, P. H., Hasbach, P. H., & Kahn, P. H. J. (Eds.). (2012). Ecopsychology: Science, totems, and the technological species. MIT Press.
Supervision in the Sand empowers neural activation; bidirectional ('bottom up' and 'top down') mind/body interactions; and internal relational connection. Playing reflectively with symbols and metaphors invites and supports you to engage and integrate right and left brain processing to explore deeply held aspects of 'self' and practice, including material held outside your conscious awareness. An organically expressive approach to reflecting, growing and savouring.
Resource: Kalff, Martin. (2022). Old and new horizons of Sandplay Therapy : Mindfulness and neural integration. Routledge
Jung (2014), “often the hands know how to solve a riddle with which the intellect has wrestled in vain" (p.86)
I acknowledge the Yuin, Jerringja and Wangal people, traditional owners of the unceded lands on which I live, study and work Walking on Country.
I value the traditional knowledge and healing practices of all cultures.
Website & photos © 2020 Alison Hood.
Thanks for visiting. Individual supervision and therapy appointments and group supervision sessions are available to book online. See you soon, warmly Alison